Urinary Tract Infections  (UTI)

An infection in any part of the urinary system, the kidneys, bladder or urethra.

Urinary tract infections are more common in women. They usually occur in the bladder or urethra, but more serious infections involve the kidney.
A bladder infection may cause pelvic pain, increased urge to urinate, pain with urination and blood in the urine. A kidney infection may cause back pain, nausea, vomiting and fever.

If infections last for only a few days, we can manage it somehow. But when infections in urinary tract, lasts for weeks, months and even years in some patients which make them miserable.They even make them predisposed to various other diseases. 


How does it all start…?

Various micro-organisms reside in human body and participate in various life activities required for man. The immune system makes it sure that no harm is happening to our body due to these micro-organisms.

Kidneys, uterus, urinary bladder and urethra play a major role in eliminating the waste products released from various life or metabolic activities. Usually, the micro-organisms which have gained access to the urinary tract through various routes are destroyed by our immune system. But when the immunity of a person is defective or weakened then infections may arise from any part of the urinary tract.


In whom does it occur …?

In India, every year 80 lakh people suffer from urinary tract infection. Females are more prone to urinary tract infections by virtue of their internal anatomy. The presentation of this disease may differ among people of different countries or different age groups or different sex.

What are the presenting symptoms…?

·        In women of younger age group increased frequency of urination and burning sensation while urinating are the presenting symptoms.

·        In men and women of older age groups- weakness, intense shivering, pain in abdomen, other body pains and foul smelling urine may be the presenting symptom.If the infection is limited to urinary tract, then fever would not be the presenting symptom. But if the kidneys or the prostate gland are also infected then fever would be the presenting symptom.

·        Other associated features of kidney infection along with fever are back pain, pain in the region of lower ribs, nausea and vomiting.

·        When the urinary tract infections are not diagnosed, or treated then the infection progresses and kidneys gets infected and their functionality deteriorates.

·        Sometimes the UTI’s may lead to hypertension and kidney failure. At times the sudden onset of the disease may progress to septicemia which may even lead to death.

Causes ...

    By excluding other disease symptoms and using modern investigation procedures urinary tract infections are diagnosed.

·        The urine sample of the infected person reveals high white blood cell count and bacterial count. Bacteria may be found even in normal person’s urine. But only some persons get infected frequently.

·        There are various reasons behind this but the main reason is because of spine related problems. The other reason may be due to incomplete expulsion of urine which leads to stasis of urine and collection of microorganisms which cause infections.

·        Kidney stones formed due to congenital abnormalities in uterus, enlarged prostate gland may result in obstruction to urinary excretion which ultimately leads to infections. Not only that but also the diabetic patients, immune compromised patients get recurrent infections.

·        Usually within 24 hours after having sexual intercourse the body tries to eliminate micro-organisms through urine. But in some individuals, this process is defective. We can also see that the infections are more common in people using birth control methods.


·        Recent studies of National Institute of Health Sciences reveal that once the person is infected, he may be prone to infections frequently.

·        The reasons behind the severity of the disease is lack of proper awareness about the disease, not taking proper treatment, ignorance of people.

·        In pregnant women, due to hormonal changes, kidneys may get infected frequently. Therefore, the pregnant ladies should pay attention to this kind of infections especially during first three months.


How to diagnose…?

·        The patients who get recurrent infections should be screened by investigations such as urine color test, urinary bladder scanning, CT scan, MRI, cystoscopy.


How to prevent it….?

1.     When urinating, urine must be excreted as fast as possible.

2.     Immediately after having sexual intercourse, urination should be done. This offers protection from infections.

3.     It is preferable to wear clothing which are free and light such as cotton rather than jeans or nylon.

4.     As per seasonal variations, drinking of adequate amount of water is very essential.

5.     The persons with kidney failure must be under regular follow up of doctors.

6.     Instead of artificial birth control methods, natural birth control methods should be preferred.

7.      Along with all the above-mentioned things, eating nutritious and healthy food and doing regular exercises must be practiced to boot up the immune power.


Why Homeopathy treatment is the best…?

·        The main reason for people getting repeated health problems is due to decreased immunity. This condition can be treated successfully using Homeopathy medicines. 


·        The urinary tract infections occurring in small children as their age progresses can be prevented completely by this medicine.

·        Homeopathy medicines also provides treatment for kidney failure, kidney stones, enlarged prostate gland and like various other conditions.

·        By taking treatment with regular follow ups under a professional Homeopathy doctor the patient can be completely relieved from urinary tract infections.


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