
Showing posts from November, 2024
                                              Urinary Tract Infections  (UTI) An infection in any part of the urinary system, the kidneys, bladder or urethra. Urinary tract infections are more common in women. They usually occur in the bladder or urethra, but more serious infections involve the kidney. A bladder infection may cause pelvic pain, increased urge to urinate, pain with urination and blood in the urine. A kidney infection may cause back pain, nausea, vomiting and fever. If infections last for only a few days, we can manage it somehow. But when infections in urinary tract, lasts for weeks, months and even years in some patients which make them miserable.They even make them predisposed to various other diseases.    How does it all start…? Various micro-organisms reside in human body and participate in various life activities required for man. The imm...