FACTS OF CORONA {COVID 19} 1.we may have to live with corona virus for months or year make our lives use less lets learn to live with this fact .washing hands ,wearing face mask . Let's not and face shield maintaining is the best method for you protection 2.If you don't have corona virus patient at home there's no need to disinfect the surfaces at your house 3.packaged cargo ,gas pumps, shopping carts and ATM'S don't cause infection wash your hands touching it 4.you cannot catch corona virus from the packaging of food or from ordering take out food corona virus is not a food borne infection like salmonella it is a droplet related infection like the flu .there is no demonstrated risk that corona virus is transmitted by food 5. Taking hydroxy chloroquinine and azithromycin primitively and is not good idea to prevent coronavirus should only be used in selected covid patients .They can sometimes cause fatal heart rhythm problems plus other side effect...